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Tea Ceremony + Tea Blending

$6500 $8900

Saturday | Nov 18, 2023 | 5:00PM - 8:30 PM |  Spaces available: 12

Open to all women-identifying persons.

Participants will sit in the presence of medicinal plants and engage with their senses. While sipping on your tea, you will learn about the powerful effects the plants have on our mind, body, & spirit. After being guided & educated you will create your own herbal tea blends to enjoy in the comforts of your home. Guests will leave feeling nourished, informed, & connected more to themself &/or nature.

The price includes all necessary supplies. No experience is necessary.

Must book by 8 pm Sat Aug 12 due to tea preparations. Participants will not be sitting the whole time.

Please consult with your Dr. if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, are on medications, or have a medical condition.

Event Flow: *All teas are organic & caffeine free.*

~ Introductions
~ Grounding
~ Guided tea-tasting experience of 3 herbal teas along with mindfulness & education about each plant.
~ Closing & Creation of Tea Blends

**Journals are optional but encouraged**

 Image release: We document most workshops via photo and video, therefore images of you may appear in future ollie blossom promotions.
